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Video AI Facial Recognition Edge 视频AI人脸识别边缘 | 研华Advantech

Video AI Facial Recognition Edge是一款面向人脸识别应用的智能服务器。人脸识别系统 (FRS) 包含在复杂的 AI 和深度学习算法中,可实现快速的识别性能和准确的结果。

Video AI Facial Recognition Edge产品特点

  • 基于深度学习 AI 算法的基于 CPU 的分析

  • 从多个视频源接收视频,包括 IP 摄像机、RTSP 流、NVR

  • 面部识别服务包括:感兴趣的人 (POI) 管理、VIP 或黑名单人员到达的实时通知、与第 3 方系统链接的 Restful API

  • 独立考勤系统,包括调查报告和考勤报告

    Video AI Facial Recognition Edge Product Features

  • CPU-based analysis based on deep learning AI algorithm

Receive video from multiple video sources, including IP cameras, RTSP streams, NVR

Facial recognition services include: POI management of people of interest, real-time notification of arrival of VIP or blacklist personnel, estful API linked to third-party systems

Independent attendance system, including survey reports and attendance reports

Video AI Facial Recognition Edge Product Photo

